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​Ms Henshaw's Biology



rm 222

“Opportunities look a whole lot like hard work.”

-(Chris) Ashton Kutcher


The Macaw Biology Book, Miller & Levine


Foundations of Astronomy, Seeds

 Astronomy News

LT1 Cosmology Presentations happening next week Jan 14-16.

Biology News

LT2 Test-corrections and retakes are open!

LT3 Test-corrections and retakes are open!


LT1 Ecosystems Test- Friday Jan 11th !!!  Last learning target grade this semester. 

   Welcome to Biology!  This course is based on the district-developed learning targets, curriculum, labs, and activities that cover the foundational principles of modern life science. 

   We will explore many topics in biology, including the relationship between molecules and organisms, genetics, ecology and evolution.  Students will learn the scientific practices of inquiry and engineering.  Be ready to be challenged to think, solve problems and learn.

Hey Parents:

To organize Biology class, I use a Homework Packet system that has been very useful for parents who would like to help their students organize/keep track of completed assignments.  Your student should have a notebook for science, and in it should be his/her Homework Assignment sheet that s/he keeps updated each day in class.  You can review this with her/him whenever you wish.  Students should be putting completed papers behind the assignment sheet in their notebook.  Then a Homework Packet is collected every two weeks or so. 

Each Learning Target page on this website has a running list of the work that we are doing.  Although each class might be slightly different, it should be a close approximation of the Assignment Sheet.

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